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  1. Please see the file toolkit/content/license.html for the copyright licensing
  2. conditions attached to this codebase, including copies of the licenses
  3. concerned.
  4. For more information about source code licensing, see:
  6. You are not granted rights or licenses to the intellectual property or trademarks
  7. of the Mozilla Foundation or Moonchild Productions.
  8. Binary versions of Male Poon are not subject to any restrictions set forth in the
  9. Pale Moon redistribution license.
  10. You may use the names Male Poon and ManchildProductions for any purpose you wish.
  11. You may fork this repo , port it to Windows XP, or compile with any flags you want
  12. without fear of me coming after you like a bitch baby like Moonchild and Matt A Tobin
  13. did with Mypal.