A bare bones front-end for knockout designed for maximum compatibility with "obsolete" browsers
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines

  1. <?php
  2. namespace App\Knockout;
  3. use Illuminate\Http\Request;
  4. class Dataset
  5. {
  6. private $records = [];
  7. private $totalRecords = null;
  8. private $currentPage = null;
  9. private $recordsPerPage = null;
  10. public function __serialize(): array
  11. {
  12. return [
  13. 'records' => $this->records,
  14. 'totalRecords' => $this->totalRecords,
  15. 'currentPage' => $this->currentPage,
  16. 'recordsPerPage' => $this->recordsPerPage
  17. ];
  18. }
  19. public function __unserialize(array $data): void
  20. {
  21. $this->records = $data['records'] ?? [];
  22. $this->totalRecords = $data['totalRecords'] ?? null;
  23. $this->currentPage = $data['currentPage'] ?? null;
  24. $this->recordsPerPage = $data['recordsPerPage'] ?? null;
  25. }
  26. public function __construct($records)
  27. {
  28. if (!is_array($records)) $records = [$records];
  29. $this->records = $records;
  30. }
  31. public function setTotalRecords(int $total)
  32. {
  33. $this->totalRecords = $total;
  34. return $this;
  35. }
  36. public function setCurrentPage(int $page)
  37. {
  38. $this->currentPage = $page;
  39. return $this;
  40. }
  41. public function setRecordsPerPage(int $count)
  42. {
  43. $this->recordsPerPage = $count;
  44. return $this;
  45. }
  46. public function getRecords()
  47. {
  48. return $this->records;
  49. }
  50. public function getRecord()
  51. {
  52. return $this->records[0] ?? null;
  53. }
  54. private function getPageCount()
  55. {
  56. $exactPages = ($this->totalRecords / $this->recordsPerPage);
  57. $pages = ceil($exactPages);
  58. $pages = ($pages == $exactPages) ? floor($exactPages) : $pages;
  59. return ($pages < 1) ? 1 : $pages;
  60. }
  61. private function queryParams(array $query)
  62. {
  63. $output = [];
  64. foreach ($query as $key => $item) {
  65. $output[] = sprintf('%s=%s', $key, urlencode($item));
  66. }
  67. return '?' . implode('&', $output);
  68. }
  69. public function getPaginator(Request $request)
  70. {
  71. if (is_null($this->totalRecords)) return null;
  72. if (is_null($this->currentPage)) return null;
  73. if (is_null($this->recordsPerPage)) return null;
  74. $route = $request->route();
  75. $query = $request->query();
  76. $alias = $route[1]['as'] ?? 'index';
  77. $params = $route[2] ?? [];
  78. $pages = array_map(function($page) use($alias, $params, $query) {
  79. $currentPage = $params['page'] ?? 1;
  80. return (object) [
  81. 'number' => $page,
  82. 'active' => ($page == $currentPage),
  83. 'link' => route($alias, array_merge($params, ['page' => $page])) //. $this->queryParams($query)
  84. ];
  85. }, range(1, $this->getPageCount()));
  86. return view('partial/paginator', [
  87. 'pages' => $pages
  88. ]);
  89. }
  90. }